by Amira Emma Routledge
I love stilting. I am fascinated by the art form and its history. In 2015 I was asked to give a talk to the OCAD Social Body Lab about stilting, looking at it from a body augmentation point of view, and I started to develop a collection of images and videos to build this slideshow.
In 2023 I got to do it again at the Canadian National Stilt Symposium in Edmonton, AB. I added to the original quite a bit and shared this talk with the attendees, who are also dedicated stilters and contributed to the presentation. It's a lot clunkier than I would like but with practise I know I'll improve.
I am interested in sharing this talk in real life with anyone interested - please contact me to discuss!
by Amira Emma Routledge
I love stilting. I am fascinated by the art form and its history. In 2015 I was asked to give a talk to the OCAD Social Body Lab about stilting, looking at it from a body augmentation point of view, and I started to develop a collection of images and videos to build this slideshow.
In 2023 I got to do it again at the Canadian National Stilt Symposium in Edmonton, AB. I added to the original quite a bit and shared this talk with the attendees, who are also dedicated stilters and contributed to the presentation. It's a lot clunkier than I would like but with practise I know I'll improve.
I am interested in sharing this talk in real life with anyone interested - please contact me to discuss!